姓名 | 陈金铃 | 性别 | 女 | 专业技术职称 | 教授 |
学科专业 | 病原生物学 | 单 位 | 南通大学医学院 | ||
电子邮箱 | chenchennt@ntu.edu.cn | 联系电话(办公) | 138****6130 | ||
个人简历 | 医学博士,硕士生导师,美国德州大学医学部微生物及免疫学系访问学者。现任南通大学医学院病原生物学系副主任。任Journal of immunology research (IF=3.267) Guest 编辑; Cell proliferation, European journal of inflammation, Gene Therapy&Molecular biology及Cell biology international 等杂志的审稿人。主持国家自然科学基金1项、江苏省自然科学基金1项、南通市社会民生科技重点项目1项,参与国家自然科学基金 4 项。近5年以第一作者及通讯作者发表SCI 论文14篇,总IF 48.7,其中包括发表在Cell 子刊Cell Reports(IF2017=8.282)的研究性论文。以通讯作者发表中文核心期刊论文4篇。获得江苏省教育科学研究成果三等奖2项。迄今培养研究生5名。 | ||||
研究领域 |
病原体感染导致不良妊娠的机制研究 | ||||
代表性成果(论文、专著、专利等) |
1.发表的文章 (1)第一作者及通讯作者发表的文章 1) Chen JL(陈金铃), Liang YJ, Yi PP, etal, Outcomes of Congenital Zika Disease Depend on Timing of Infection and Maternal-Fetal Interferon Action, Cell Reports, 2017, 21: 1588–1599. 2) Chen JL (陈金铃)#, Xu TH#, Zhu DD, Wang JX, Huang CQ, Lyu L, Hu B, Sun W, Duan YN*, Egg antigen p40 of Schistosoma japonicum promotes senescence in activated hepatic stellate cells by activation of the STAT3/p53/p21 pathway, Cell Death & Disease, 2016, 7(7):e2315. 3) Chen JL (陈金铃) #, Huang CQ#, Zhu DD, etal, Chinese 1 strain of Toxoplasma gondii excreted–secreted antigens negatively modulate Foxp3 via inhibition of the TGFßRII/Smad2/Smad3/Smad4 pathway, J Cell Mol Med, 2017, 21 (9):1944-1953. 4) Chen JL(陈金铃)#, Pan J#, Wang JX, etal, Soluble egg antigens of Schistosoma japonicum induce senescence in activated hepatic stellate cells by activation of the STAT3/p53/p21 pathway, Sci Rep-Uk, 2016, 6:30957. 5) Chen JL (陈金铃) #, Huang CQ#, Zhu DD, Chen LT, Wang JX, Sun XL, Hu L, Duan YN: Excreted‐secreted antigens of Toxoplasma gondii inhibit Foxp3 via IL‐2Rγ/JAK3/Stats pathway, J Cell Biochem, 2018,119(12):10176-10185. 6) Chen JL (陈金铃) #, Hu L#, Wang JJ, Cao YQ , Zhu DD, Chen LT, Duan YN: Toxoplasma gondii excreted–secreted antigens suppress Foxp3 via PI3K-AKT-mTOR signaling pathway, J Cell Biochem, 2019, 120(9):16044-16051. 7) Chen JL (陈金铃) #, Wang JJ#, Gao XY, Zhu DD, Chen LT, Duan YN:Toxoplasma gondii excreted-secreted antigens suppress Foxp3 promoter activity via a SP1-dependent mechanism. J Cell Mol Med. 2020, 24:10785-10791. 8) Chen JL (陈金铃)#, Ge Yiyue# , Zhang Jie , Qiu Xiaoyan, Qiu Jingfan , Wu Jiangping , Wang Yong ; Dysfunction of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells contributes to the abortion of mice caused by Toxoplasma gondii excreted-secreted antigens in early pregnancy. PLoS One, 2013; 8(7): e69012. 9) Ge W, Chen M, Tian W, Chen J, Zhao Y, Xian H, Chen J (陈金铃) *, Xu Y*. Global 3'UTR shortening and down-regulation of repeated element related piRNA play crucial roles in boys with cryptorchidism. Genomics, 2021 Jan 22;113(2):633-645. 10) Gao X#, Zhong Y#, Li K, Miao A, Chen N, Ding R, Xu Y, Chen J (陈金铃)*. Toxoplasma gondii promotes microRNA-34a to inhibit Foxp3 expression in adverse outcomes of pregnancy in mice. Int Immunopharmacol. 2022 Jun;107:108648. (2)共同第一作者: 1) Xu TH, Chen JL (陈金铃), Zhu DD, Chen LT, Wang JX, Sun XL, Hu B, Duan YN: Egg antigen p40 of Schistosoma japonicum promotes senescence in activated hepatic stellate cells via SKP2/P27 signaling pathway, Sci Rep-Uk, 2017, 7(1):275. 2) Zhu DD#, Song K#, Chen JL(陈金铃)#, etal, Expression of Septin4 in Schistosoma japonicum-infected mouse livers after praziquantel treatment, Parasite Vector, 2015, 8(1):19. 3) He X#, Bao J#, Chen JL(陈金铃) #, etal, Adenovirus-mediated over-expression of Septin4 ameliorates hepatic fibrosis in mouse livers infected with Schistosoma japonicum, Parasitol Int, 2015, 64(6):487-492. 4) Ge YY#, Chen JL # (陈金铃), Qiu XY, etal, Natural killer cell intrinsic toll-like receptor MyD88 signaling contributes to IL-12-dependent IFN-c production by mice during infection with Toxoplasma gondii, Int J Parasitol, 2014, 44(7):475-84. 2. 授权专利2项: (1) 陈金铃;季然;段义农;朱丹丹;IFN-λ在Zika 病毒感染中的新用途,授权,2020.2.7,中国,ZL201710675824.2. (2) 陈金铃;刘逸凡;申潭;IFN-λ在弓形虫感染中的新用途,授权,2022.12.28,中国, ZL201710675824.2. 3. 课题: (1) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,调节性T细胞Foxp3下调在弓形虫排泄分泌抗原致流产中的作用及其机制的研究,81401683,2015/01-2017/12,23万元,主持 (2) 江苏省自然科学基金青年基金项目,肝星状细胞的衰老在日本血吸虫病肝纤维化逆转中的作用及其机制的研究,BK20140435,2014/07-2017/06,20万元,主持 (3) (3)南通市社会民生科技重点项目,母-胎免疫失衡在复发性流产中的诊疗应用,MS22020001,2020/10-2022/09,20万元,主持 |