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导师类别 | 博导 | 专业技术职称 | 教授 | |||||||
所在学科专业 | 医学生理学 | |||||||||
电子邮箱 | yppeng@ntu.edu.cn | 联系电话 | 85051714 | |||||||
任职情况 | ||||||||||
主要研究方向 | 1. 神经免疫学 2. 神经炎症与神经退行性疾病 | |||||||||
个人简历 | 1995.07-2001.06 原南通医学院 生理学系 副教授 2001.09-2004.12 南京大学 生理学专业 博士研究生/博士学位 2001.10-2008.10 南通大学医学院 副院长 2006.06-2006.09 澳大利亚La Trobe大学 访问学习 2008.08-2008.12 澳大利亚La Trobe大学 高访 2010.04-2010.08 美国Minnesota大学 客座教授 2001.07-至今 南通大学医学院 生理学系 教授 2006.03-至今 南通大学 神经免疫学研究所 所长 | |||||||||
学术成果 | 发表的SCI论文目录(第一作者或通讯作者): 1.Peng YP, Qiu YH, Jiang JL, Wang JJ. Effect of Catecholamines on IL-2 production and NK cytotoxicity of rats in vitro. Acta Pharmacol Sin, 2004; 25: 1354-1360. 2.Peng YP, Qiu YH, Lu JH, Wang JJ. Interleukin-6 protects cultured cerebellar granule neurons against glutamate-induced neurotoxicity. Neurosci Lett, 2005; 374: 192-196. 3.Peng YP, Qiu YH, Chao BB, Wang JJ. Effect of lesions of cerebellar fastigial nuclei on lymphocyte functions of rats. Neurosci Res, 2005; 51: 275-284. 4.Qiu YH, Cheng C, Dai L, Peng YP*. Effect of endogenous catecholamines in lymphocytes on lymphocyte function. J Neuroimmunol, 2005; 167: 45-52. 5.Peng YP, Qiu YH, Qiu J, Wang JJ. Cerebellar interposed nucleus lesions suppress lymphocyte function in rats. Brain Research Bulletin, 2006; 71:10-17. 6.Bao JY, Huang Y, Wang F, Peng YP*, Qiu YH. Expression of α-AR subtypes in T lymphocytes and role of the α-ARs in mediating modulation of T cell function. Neuroimmunomodulation, 2007; 14: 344-353. 7.Wang XQ , Peng YP*, Lu JH, Cao BB, Qiu YH. Neuroprotection of Interleukin-6 Against NMDA Attack and Its Signal Transduction by JAK and MAPK. Neurosci Lett, 2009;450: 122-126. 8.Ni SJ, Qiu YH, Lu JH, Cao BB, Peng YP*. Effect of Cerebellar Fastigial Nuclear Lesions on Differentiation and Function of Thymocytes. J Neuroimmunol, 2010;222:40-47. 9.Xiao J, Huang HW, Peng YP*, Bao JY, Huang Y, Qiu YH. Modulation of Natural Killer Cell Function by ?-Adrenoreceptor-Coupled Signalling. Neuroendocrinol Lett, 2010; 31: 635-644. 10.Huang Y, Qiu AW, Peng YP*, Liu Y, Huang HW, Qiu YH. Roles of Dopamine Receptor Subtypes in Mediating Modulation of T Lymphocyte Function. Neuroendocrinol Lett, 2010; 31: 782-791. 11.Liu Z, Qiu YH, Li B, Ma SH, Peng YP*. Neuroprotection of Interleukin-6 Against NMDA-Induced Apoptosis and Its Signal-Transduction Mechanisms. Neurotoxicity Res, 2011; 19:484–495. 12.Wang F, Cao BB, Qiu YH, Liu Y, Huang Y, Peng YP*. Role of Cerebellohypothalamic GABAergic Projection in Mediating Cerebellar Immunomodulation. Int J Neurosci, 2011; 121: 237-245. 13.Sun XM, Lua JH, Qiu YH, Liu Z, Wang XQ, Peng YP*. Interleukin-6 Reduces NMDA-Induced Ca2+ Overload via Prevention of Ca2+ Release from Intracellular Store. Int J Neurosci, 2011; 121: 423-429. 14.Qin YT, Ma SH, Zhuang QX, Qiu YH, Li B, Peng YP*, Wang JJ. Histamine evokes excitatory response of neurons in the cerebellar dentate nucleus via H2 receptors. Neurosci Lett, 2011; 502: 133-137. 15.Reinert KC, Gao WC, Chen G, Wang XM, Peng YP, Ebner TJ. Cellular and metabolic origins of flavoprotein autofluorescence in the cerebellar cortex in vivo. Cerebellum 2011; 10: 585-589. 16.Lu JH, Mao HN, Cao BB, Qiu YH, Peng YP*. Effect of Cerebellohypothalamic Glutamatergic Projections on Immune Function. Cerebellum, 2012; 11: 905-916. 17.Ma SH, Li B, Huang HW, Peng YP*, Qiu YH. Interleukin-6 Inhibits L-type Calcium Channel Activity of Cultured Cerebellar Granule Neurons. J Physiol Sci, 2012; 62: 385-392. 18.Cao BB, Han XH, Huang Y, Qiu YH, Peng YP*. The hypothalamus mediates the effect of cerebellar fastigial nuclear glutamatergic neurons on humoral immunity. Neuroendocrinol Lett, 2012; 33: 393-400. 19.Liu Y, Huang Y, Wang XQ, Peng YP*, Qiu YH. Effects of Tyrosine Hydroxylase Gene Silencing in CD4+ T Lymphocytes Differentiation and Function of Helper T Cells. Neuroendocrinol Lett, 2012; 33: 643-650. 20.Cao BB, Huang Y, Lu JH, Xu FF, Qiu YH, Peng YP*. Cerebellar fastigial nuclear GABAergic projections to the hypothalamus modulate immune function. Brain Behav. Immun, 2013; 27: 80-90. 21.Fang XX, Jiang XL, Han XH, Peng YP*, Qiu YH. Neuroprotection of Interleukin-6 Against NMDA-Induced Neurotoxicity is Mediated by JAK/STAT3, MAPK/ERK, and PI3K/AKT Signaling Pathways. Cell Mol Neurobiol, 2013; 33: 241-251. 22.Huang HW, Tang JL, Han XH, Peng YP*, Qiu YH. Lymphocyte-Derived Catecholamines Induce a Shift of Th1/Th2 Balance toward Th2 Polarization. Neuroimmunomodulation, 2013; 20: 1-8. 23.Liu Z, Fang XX, Chen YP, Qiu YH, Peng YP*. Interleukin-6 Prevents NMDA-Induced Neuronal Ca2+ Overload via Suppression of IP3 Receptors. Brain Inj, 2013; 27:1047-1055. 24.Zhao XY, Cui SW, Wang XQ, Peng YP*, Qiu YH. Tyrosine hydroxylase expression in CD4+ T cells is associated with anti-inflammatory mechanism in collagen type II-induced arthritis. Rheumato Int, 2013; 33:2597-2605. 25.Zhao W, Huang Y, Liu Z, Cao BB, Peng YP*, Qiu YH. Dopamine Receptors Modulate Cytotoxicity of Natural Killer Cells via cAMP-PKA-CREB Signaling Pathway. PLOS ONE, 2013; 8:e65860. 26.Zhang J, Keb KF, Liu Z, Qiu YH, Peng YP*. Th17 cell-mediated neuroinflammation is involved in neurodegeneration of Aβ1-42-induced Alzheimer’s disease model rats. PLOS ONE, 2013; 8:e75786. 27.Xu FF, Huang Y, Wang XQ, Qiu YH, Peng YP*. Modulation of immune function by glutamatergic neurons in the cerebellar interposed nucleus via hypothalamic sympathetic pathways. Brain Behav. Immun, 2014; 38: 263-271. 28.Shen WX, Chen JH, Lu JH, Peng YP*, Qiu YH. TGF-β1 Protection Against Aβ1-42-Induced Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration in Rats. Int. J. Mol. Sci, 2014; 15: 22092-22108. 29.Huang HW, Fang XX, Wang XQ, Peng YP*, Qiu YH. Regulation of Differentiation and Function of Helper T Cells by Lymphocyte-Derived Catecholamines via α1-and β2-Adrenoceptors. Neuroimmunomodulation, 2015; 22: 138-151. 30.Cao BB, Huang Y, Jiang YY, Qiu YH, Peng YP*. Cerebellar Fastigial Nuclear Glutamatergic Neurons Regulate Immune Function via Hypothalamic and Sympathetic Pathways. J Neuroimmune Pharmacol, 2015; 10: 162-178. 31.Chen JH, Ke KF, Lu JH, Qiu YH, Peng YP*. Protection of TGF-β1 against Neuroinflammation and Neurodegeneration in Aβ1-42-Induced Alzheimer’s Disease Model Rats. PLOS ONE, 2015; DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0116549. 32.Lu JH, Wang XQ, Huang Y, Qiu YH, Peng YP*. GABAergic neurons in cerbellar interposed nucleus modulate cellular and humoral immunity via hypothalamic and sympathetic pathways. J Neuroimmunol, 2015; 283: 30-38. 33.Ma SH, Zhuang QX, Shen WX, Peng YP*, Qiu YH. Interleukin-6 reduces NMDAR-mediated cytosolic Ca2+ overload and neuronal death via JAK/CaN signaling. Cell Calcium, 2015; 58: 286-295. 34.Jiang YY, Cao BB, Wang XQ, Peng YP*, Qiu YH. Cerebellar ataxia induced by 3-AP affects immunological function. Neuroendocrinol Lett, 2015; 36: 246-256. 35.Liu Z, Chen HQ, Huang Y, Qiu YH, Peng YP*. Transforming growth factor-β1 acts via TβR-I on microglia to protect against MPP+-induced dopaminergic neuronal loss. Brain Behav Immun. 2015; doi: 10.1016/j.bbi.2015.08.006. 36.Lu JH, Liu YQ, Deng QW, Peng YP*, Qiu YH. Dopamine D2 receptor is involved in alleviation of type II collagen-induced arthritis in mice. Biomed Res Int, in press. 37.Huang HW, Zuo C, Chen X, Peng YP*, Qiu YH. Effect of Tyrosine Hydroxylase Overexpression in Lymphocytes on Differentiation and Function of Helper T Cells. Int J Mol Med, in press. 出版的著作目录: 1.彭聿平参编:免疫药理学进展—基础与临床,周金黄等主编,中国科学技术出版社,1993.05,书号:ISBN 7-5046-1044-5。 2.彭聿平参译:Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain,王建军主译,等教育出版社, 2004.07,书号:ISBN 7-04-012194-8。 3.彭聿平参译:Berne & Levy Principles of Physiology,梅岩艾等主译,高等教育出版社, 2008.07,书号:ISBN 978-7-04-023127-4。 4.彭聿平参编(英文):Textbook of Physiology,姚泰主编,人民卫生出版社,2008.03,书号:ISBN 978-7-117-09769-7。 5.彭聿平主编:人体生理学,高等教育出版社,2010.08,书号:ISBN 978-7-04-030446-6。 6.彭聿平参编:生理学原理,梅岩艾等主编,高等教育出版社, 2011.04,书号:ISBN 978-7-04-031406-9。 | |||||||||
获奖情况 | 1.南通市科学技术进步奖一等奖:白介素-6的抗神经损伤作用,2010年。 2.江苏省科学技术奖二等奖:神经递质与细胞因子在神经免疫系统中的作用,2012年。 3.江苏高等学校优秀科技创新团队带头人,2007年。 4.江苏省高等学校教学名师奖,2009年。 5.江苏省优秀科技工作者,2012年。 6.全国优秀科技工作者,2012年。 | |||||||||
主要科研项目 | 1.国家自然科学基金面上项目(主持):Treg/Th17失衡介导的神经炎症在帕金森病发病机制中的作用,项目编号:81271323。 2.国家自然科学基金面上项目(第二):儿茶酚胺对类风湿性关节炎Treg/Th17失衡的作用及其受体信号转导机制,项目编号:31371182。 | |||||||||
备注 | 现担任的学术职务: 1.杂志Brain, Behavior, and Immunity(SCI收录,影响因子 6.128)编委; 2.国际学会PsychoNeuroImmunology Research Society委员; 3.中国神经科学学会理事; 4.中国生理学会理事; 5.江苏省生理学会副理事长; 6.《生理学报》常务编委。 |