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导师类别 | 博导 | 专业技术职称 | 主任医师 | |||||||
所在学科专业 | 内科学(呼吸) | |||||||||
电子邮箱 | jsntnss@163.com | 联系电话 | 0513-85052286 | |||||||
任职情况 | 南通大学附属医院常务副院长 | |||||||||
主要研究方向 | 1.肺血栓栓塞症的基础和临床研究 2.支气管哮喘的基础临床研究 | |||||||||
个人简历 | 中共党员。教授、主任医师、医学博士、博士研究生导师。现任南通大学附属医院常务副院长。中国医师协会呼吸医师分会委员会委员、中国医院协会医疗质量管理委员会委员。江苏省医学会理事、江苏省医院协会医院质量管理委员会委员副主任委员、江苏省医学会呼吸病分会副主任委员兼肺血管病组组长、江苏省中西医结合学会呼吸病专业副主任委员、江苏省呼吸病质量控制中心副主任。南通市医学会常务理事、南通市医学会呼吸病学会主任委员。 | |||||||||
学术成果 | 主要致力于呼吸系统疾病的临床诊治工作,先后主持国家自然基金课题、江苏省六大人才高峰和南通市科技课题等国家省市级课题10余项,培养硕士研究生50余名,发表医学论文八十多篇。代表性论文如下: 1)Lu C, Wang X, Zhu H, Feng J, Ni S, Huang J.Over-expression of ROR2 and Wnt5a cooperatively correlates with unfavorable prognosis in patients with non-small cell lung cancer. 2015 Sep 22;6(28):24912-21.(影响因子:6.359,通讯作者) 2)Zhou XY, Ben SQ, Chen HL and Ni SS.The prognostic value of pulmonary embolism severity index in acute pulmonary embolism: a meta-analysis. Respiratory Research.2012, 13:111.(影响因子:3.382,通讯作者) 3)Ben SQ, Ni SS, Shen HH, Shi YX, Huang SB, Xu JH, Huang JF.The dynamic changes of LDH isoenzyme 3 and D-dimer following pulmonary thromboembolism in canine.Thrombosis research.2007,120(4):575-83.(影响因子:2.427) 4)Feng J, Zhang X, Zhu H, Wang X, Ni S, Huang J.High expression of FoxP1 is associated with improved survival in patients with non-small cell lung cancer.American journal of clinical pathology.2012,138(2):230-5. (影响因子:3.005,共同通讯作者) 5)Zhou XY, Ben SQ, Chen HL, Ni SS.A comparison of APACHE II and CPIS scores for the prediction of 30-day mortality in patients with ventilator-associated pneumonia.International journal of infectious diseases.2015,30:144-7. (影响因子:2.33,通讯作者) 6)Huang M, Zhu H, Feng J, Ni S, Huang J.High CD133 Expression in the Nucleus and Cytoplasm Predicts Poor Prognosis in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer.Disease markers.2015,2015:986095.(影响因子:2.174,共同通讯作者) 7)Ni S, Xu L, Huang J, Feng J, Zhu H, Wang G, Wang X.Increased ZO-1 expression predicts valuable prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer.International journal of clinical and experimental pathology.2013,6(12):2887-95. (影响因子:1.783,第一作者) 8)Ben SQ, Qiu YL, Zhou J, Zhou XY, Zhang S, Wu Y, Ju SQ, Ni SS.Ovalbumin enhances YKL-40, IL-5, GM-CSF, and eotaxin expression simultaneously in primarily cultured mouse tracheal epithelial cells.In vitro cellular & developmental biology. Animal.2014,50(3):243-50.(影响因子:1,通讯作者) 9)Ni S, Fu Z, Zhao J, Liu H.Inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) and risk of mycobacterium in patients with chronic respiratory diseases: a meta-analysis.Journal of thoracic disease.2014,6(7):971-8. 10)Ni S, Zhang Y, Wang H, Zhou J, Ding L, Liu H.Lentivirus vector-mediated Rho guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor 2 overexpression induces beta-2 adrenergic receptor desensitization in airway smooth muscle cells.Journal of thoracic disease.2013,5(5):658-66. 11)Liu H, Ding L, Zhang Y, Ni S.Circulating endothelial microparticles involved in lung function decline in a rat exposed in cigarette smoke maybe from apoptotic pulmonary capillary endothelial cells.Journal of thoracic disease.2014,6(6):649-55. 12)Ni S, Zhao J, Fu Z, Liu H.Lentivirus vector-mediated Rho guanine nucleotide dissociation inhibitor 2 induces beta-2 adrenergic receptor desensitization in β2AR desensitization mice model.Journal of thoracic disease.2014,6(2):118-25. 13)Liu H, Chen Y, Li J, Zhang W, Ni S.Construction of a cell model of β2-adrenoceptor downregulation.Journal of thoracic disease. 2013,5(4):492-7. 14)Ni SS, Gao ZL.Clinical significance of soluble interleukin 2 receptor alpha in the pleural fluid.Chinese journal of tuberculosis and respiratory diseases. 1993,16(2):81-2,123. (第一作者) 15)Feng J, Xu L, Ni S, Gu J, Zhu H, Wang H, Zhang S, Zhang W, Huang J.Involvement of FoxQ1 in NSCLC through regulating EMT and increasing chemosensitivity. Oncotarget.2014,5(20):9689-702.(影响因子:6.627) 16)Feng J, Zhang X, Zhu H, Wang X, Ni S, Huang J.FoxQ1 overexpression influences poor prognosis in non-small cell lung cancer, associates with the phenomenon of EMT.PLOS ONE.2012,7(6):e39937.(影响因子:3.534) 17)Ge H, Garfield D, Ben S, Zhang J, Liu Y, Gu J, Ni S, Bai C. Cough and Hemoptysis in a Middle-Aged Woman.Respiration. 2012;83:357-362. (影响因子:2.924) 18)Liu H, Ni S, Zhang Y, Ding L, Zhang Y.Identification of proteasome subunit beta type 3 involved in the potential mechanism of corticosteroid protective effectiveness on beta-2 adrenoceptor desensitization by a proteomics approach.Journal of thoracic disease. 2013 ,5(6):797-805. 19)Zhang Y, Xia Y, Ni S, Gu Z, Liu H.Transplantation of umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells alleviates pneumonitis of MRL/lpr mice.Journal of thoracic disease. 2014,6(2):109-17. | |||||||||
获奖情况 | 获江苏省卫生厅医学新技术引进奖、 南通市人民政府科技进步奖等奖励十余项: 江苏省卫生厅医学新技术引进一等奖两项(2007,2011年度)、 江苏省卫生厅医学新技术引进二等奖两项(2013,2015年度)、 南通市科学技术进步奖三等奖两项(2007,2012年度)、 南通市科学技术进步奖二等奖两项(2007,2011年度)。 | |||||||||
主要科研项目 | 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30971306,已结题,主持。 国家自然科学青年基金项目,81503143,第二参与人,在研。 江苏省六大人才高峰课题,在研。 目前从事肺血栓栓塞症的基础和临床研究。 | |||||||||
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