• 陈浩

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医学院 生殖医学研究院






陈浩博士,教授,博士生导师。现任南通大学生殖医学研究院副院长,主要从事生殖医学和生殖生理的研究。入选江苏省“双创人才”高校创新类和南通市“江海英才”B类。曾获2014年“深圳海外高层次人才(孔雀计划)”B类。毕业于香港中文大学医学院生理学专业,发表学术论文40余篇。以通讯(共同讯)和第一(共第一)在Cell Discovery2021Cell Reports Medicine (2022), Cell and Bioscience(2022), BMC Biology2022Molecular Therapy-Nucleic Acids2021, Gut2020)和Science Translational Medicine2014等相关专业杂志发表研究论文,论文引用1319次(Google Scholar)。研究成果多次被F1000Prime点评并推荐。主持包括国家重点研发计划课题、子课题和国家自然科学基金面上项目在内的各级课题15余项。担任国家自然科学基金项目通讯评审、Faculty Opinions (原F1000Prime)的Faculty Member,英国皇家生物学会FellowJournal of Extracellular Vesicles杂志编委,The Innovation杂志青年编辑和全国研究生教育评估监测专家库专家等学术职务。


  1.   配子发生成熟的分子机制研究

  2.  附睾微环境调控对精子成熟的影响


  1. JW Shi#, KL Fok#, PY Dai#, F Qiao, MY Zhang, HG Liu, MM Sang, M Ye, Y Liu, YW Zhou, CN Wang, F Sun*, GC Xie*, H Chen*. Spatio-temporal landscape of mouse epididymal cells and specific mitochondria-rich segments defined by large-scale single-cell RNAseq. Cell Discov 7, 34 (2021).

  2. Shi J, Qiao F, Ye M, Jiang T, Liu J, Zhang M, Xie G, Fok KL, Li X, Chen H .CSE1L/CAS regulates cell proliferation through CDK signalling in mouse spermatogenesis. Cell Proliferation. 2022 Nov;55(11):e13334.

  3. Chen H* H*, Shi X, Li X, Diao R, Ma Q, Jin J, Qiu Z, Li C, Yu MK, Wang C, Li X,Li F, Chan DYL, Zhao AZ, Cai Z, Sun F, Fok KL*. CD147 deficiency isassociated with impaired sperm motility/acrosome reaction and offers atherapeutic target for asthenozoospermia. Molecular Therapy Nucleic Acids. 2021 Nov 10;26:1374 1386.

  4. 4. Ye M, Chen Y, Liu J, Tian J, Wang X, Fok KL, Shi J *, Chen H *. Interferingwith CSE1L/CAS inhibits tumour growth via C3 in triple negative breast cancer. Cell Proliferation. 2022 May;55(5):e13226.

  5. Li X, Yuan C, Shi J, Kang H, Chen Y, Duan Y, Jin J, Cheung LP, Li TC, Liu Y,Cui Y, Ruan YC, Jiang X, Cai Z, Chan HC, Ji L, Zeng X*, Liu J*, Chen H* ,Fok KL*. Beta Defensin 19/119 mediates sperm chemotaxis and isassociat ed with idiopathic infertility. Cell Reports Medicine. 2022 Dec 20;3(12):100825. [*共同通讯作者]

  6. Choy KHK, Chan SY, Lam W, Jin J, Zheng T, Law TYS, Yu SS, Wang W, Li L,Xie G, Yim HCH, Chen H*, Fok EKL*. The repertoire of testicularextracellular vesicle cargoes and their involvement in intercompartmental communication associated with spermatogenesis. BMC Biology. 2022 Mar 29;20(1):78. [* 共同通讯作者]

  7. Jin J, Li X, Ye M, Qia o F, Chen H *, Fok KL*. Defb19 regulates themigration of germ cell and is involved in male fertility. Cell and Bioscience. 2022 Nov 22;12(1):188. [* 共同通讯作者]

  8. Ding N, Zhang X, Zhang XD, Jing J, Liu SS, Mu YP, Peng LL, Yan YJ, Xiao GM, Bi XY, Chen H*, Li FH*, Yao B*, Zhao AZ*. Impairment of spermatogenesis and sperm motility by the high-fat diet-induced dysbiosis of gut microbes. Gut. 2020 Jan 2. pii: gutjnl-2019-319127 [*共同通讯作者].

  9. Wang C, Zhang J, Fok KL, Tsang LL, Ye M, Liu J, Li F, Zhao AZ, Chan HC*, Chen H*. CD147 Induces Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition by Disassembling Cellular Apoptosis Susceptibility Protein/E-Cadherin/β-Catenin Complex in Human Endometriosis. American Journal of Pathology, 2018Apr 6. pii: S0002-9440(17)30969-0.

  10. Wang CQ, Jin AH, Huang WQ, Tsang LL, Cai Z, Zhou XP, Chen H*, Chan HC*. Upregulation of Bcl-2 by CD147 through ERK activation results in abnormal cell survival in human endometriosis. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism,2015,100(7):E955-63 [*共同通讯作者]

  11. DiaoR#, Fok KL#, Chen H#, Yu MK, Duan YG, Chung CM, Li Z, Wu HW, Zhang H, Ji ZL, Zhen WH, Ng CF, Gui Y, Cai Z*, Chan HC*.Defective human β-defensin-1 underlies male infertility associated with poor sperm motility and genital tract infection. Science Translational Medicine,2014, 6, 249ra108. [# 共同第一作者].

  12. Chen H#, Fok KL#, Jiang X, Jiang J, Chen Z, Gui Y, Chan HC*, Cai Z*. CD147 regulates apoptosis in spermatocytes but not spermatogonia. Human Reproduction,2012, 27(6): 1568-1576.

  13. Chen H, Fok KL, Yu S, Jiang J, Chen Z, Gui Y, Cai Z, Chan HC*. CD147 is required for matrix metalloproteinases-2 production and germ cell migration during spermatogenesis. Molecular Human Reproduction, 2011, 17(7):405-14.

