姓 名 | 沈王琴 | 性别 | 女 | 专业技术职称 | 副教授 |
学科专业 | 护理学 | 单 位 | 南通大学医学院(护理学院) | ||
电子邮箱 | 29572378@qq.com | 联系电话(办公) | |||
个人简历 | 沈王琴,女,副教授,硕士生导师,复旦大学护理学博士。兼任南通市护理学会护理研究专委会副主委、STAR指南专科评级委员、中国抗癌协会康复会护理分会青年委员。主要研究方向为肿瘤护理、循证护理、护理教育。近五年来获得南通市自然科学基金2项、校级自然基金和教育改革课题3项,主要参与国家自然科学基金1项。研究课题包括肿瘤症状、安宁疗护、自我导向学习等。近年来在国内、国外核心期刊中以第一作者发表论文21篇,其中SCI论文11篇,IF>10分论文2篇,高被引论文1篇,权威期刊2篇。获得南通市科技进步二等奖1项,三等奖2项,论文获中华护理学会优秀论文二等奖。 | ||||
研究领域 | 循证护理、护理教育、肿瘤护理 | ||||
代表性成果(论文、专著、专利等) | 论文(第一作者/通讯作者): 1. 沈王琴,胡雁.中文版自我导向学习量表结构效度验证性因素分析.中国实用护理杂志,2013年第1期 2. 沈王琴,胡雁,史亚琴,等.护理专业本科学生自我导向学习能力现状及相关因素分析.中华护理杂志,2012年第2期 3. 沈王琴,胡雁.中文版自我导向学习量表的信度与效度检验.中华护理杂志,2011第12期 4. 沈王琴.术后下肢深静脉血栓的诊断及防治进展.中国实用护理杂志,2009年36期 5. 沈王琴,胡雁.护理学生自我导向学习现状的调查.中华现代护理杂志,2012年6期 6. 沈王琴,钱海兰,郁红霞.如意金黄散外敷治疗静脉炎疗效的meta分析.护理研究,2010年1期 7. 沈王琴.以认知为基础生活方式干预对社区高血压病病人自我管理疾病效果的影响.全科护理,2012,31. 8. Shen WQ. Using video recording system to improve student performance in high-fidelity simulation. Frontier and Future Development of Information Technology in Medicine and Education,ITME 2013 9. Shen WQ, Hu Yan. The validity and reliability of the self-directed learning instrument(SDLI) in mainland Chinese nursing students. BMC Medical Education,2014,14:108 10. Shen WQ,Chen HL.The relationship between length of surgery and the incidence of pressure ulcers in cardiovascular surgical patients: a retrospective study.Advances in skin&wound care,2015,28(10):444-450. 11. Shen WQ,Yao Liang,Wang XQ et al.Quality assessment of cancer cachexia clinical practice guidelines.Cancer treatment reviews,2018,70:9-15.https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ctrv.2018.07.008 12. Shen WQ , Chen HL .Nurse staffs’ knowledge, attitudes, and practices toward palliative care in China: a cross-sectional survey. 2018 2nd International Conference on Medical and Health Informatics Proceedings. 13.Chen HL, Cai JY, ShenWQ. Prenatal smoking and postpartum depression: a meta-analysis.Journal of psychosomatic obstetrics & gynecology, 2018:1-9.(通讯作者) 14. Yu JN , Wu BB , Yang J , et al. Cardio-Cerebrovascular Disease is Associated With Severity and Mortality of COVID-19: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis[J]. Biological Research for Nursing, 2020, 23(2).(通讯作者) 15. Shen WQ , Wu BB , Gu D Z , et al. Association between ABO blood groups and COVID-19 infection, severity and demise: A systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. Infection Genetics and Evolution, 2020, 84:104485. 16. Fu XL , Du L , Song Y , et al. Incidence of injuries in professional snow sports: A systematic review and meta-analysis[J]. Journal of Sport and Health Science, 2020(通讯作者) 17.Hu SQ, Tang W, Zhang WQ, Chen HL, Shen WQ. Incidence of Death Anxiety in Palliative Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Omega (Westport). 2022,5:24(通讯作者) 18.Hong-Lei Wu,Wang-Qin Shen.Factors associated with lack of tracheal sealing by a cuff inflated to more than 30 cmH2O duringmechanical ventilation: A cross-sectional study. Pak J Med Sci. 2023;39(2):92532(通讯作者) 专著: 1. 《循证护理学》(第二版)),人民卫生出版社,数字化编委 专利: 1.一种具有辅助穿衣功能的老年人护理床 2. 经股动脉行脑血管介入治疗术后穿刺远端血液循环监测装置,实用新型专利 3.肿瘤患者饮食营养智能搭配管理软件V1.0,计算机软件著作 |